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  • Writer's pictureIda Martin


It's a blessing to have been able to live a life in which I've been able to experience 3 phases of relationships as an adult. I was married (10 years), SINGLE 3 years, and a mommy plus Significant other for over 7 years. I regret nothing I've gone through and will never wish to turn back the hands of time. Whatever your choices are in life there is one thing you will never be able to over look and that is the fact that you had a choice (no matter how ugly the decision may have been to make) you had a choice. A lot of people I have coached often use the phrasing of "I didn't have a choice", but that my friends simply isn't true. Even the most simplistic things we do are a choice... brush your teeth or go around yuck mouth? Get up and be productive or laze around...take a bath or be stinky...all choices. The most optimal thing we can do for our life is to understand this simple but accurate truth. If where you are is unsatisfactory (relationship, job, home...etc.) you have a choice...stay where you are or make a move! Now someone who was dealt a raw deal like I was might be reading this and think "I didn't choose to have my spouse cheat on me, or I didn't want that important person in my life to pass"...THOSE AREN'T CHOICES, those are circumstances you can't control. Even when life throws curve balls you still have choices to make, deal with it or not. I caution you however not to engage in stinking thinking... don't ignore your circumstances or pretend that nothing is happening. You have the power and you have the choice to make the change necessary to be happy in your life (nobody is saying it will be easy though). Only you can evaluate how you feel...only you can make the ultimate decision for the direction you ultimately go... people like me can help you to get on the track, but it's up to you to follow the path...up to you to DECIDE which way you want to go. Have you heard the phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" my are that horse... now the question is...are you THIRSTY ENOUGH to take that drink. Decide for yourself WHAT you want, HOW do you want to get it and WHEN. Take your time...this is not a race, find your why...and then make thoughtful, purposeful choices for your life and for those of your children if you have any to still make choices for (controlling your grown children is a whole other topic we can cover in a different blog because ummmm you shouldn't be doing that if they are grown)... REMEMBER....everything you do is a choice, make good choices and live life your way!


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